The meeting will be held in the Cameron Hall Loft Attendance: [MPT] [FVP] [TEC] [GIR] [ALI] [BOB] [TPG] [CJS] [LE@] [ZRX] [LIB] [BGF] [333] [ASS] [DIA] [CHB] [AJT] [JDN] [AVO] [NRZ] [GOZ] [LCY] [SPK] [PJA] [MLG] [ALE] [JMA] [TAY] [SBL] [TBB] [NTU] [JWB] [MSX] [MVP] Declan Burke, Jack Kay, Braden John Thorne, AJ Horsman, Laura Hodge, Chris Scherini, Amy Neville, Natasha Gilford, Katherine Amelia Scott, Elana Kardol, Merlin Hoskins. Apologies: [THA] [MTL] [420] Meeting opened at 5:30pm. [FVP] abdicates chair. Need to elect a new chair. Nominations are opened. [JMA] motions for [MPT] to chair the meeting. [FVP] Seconds Vote: Basically unanimous. [BOB] motions to accept all the agenda items. [LE@] seconds. ( The agenda for the OGM being stated as: 1. Election of an Ordinary Committee Member Due to the resignation of [DBA], we will be electing a new OCM. The following items have been added to the agenda by members of UCC to be discussed at the General Meeting: 2. Cancellation of the membership of Melissa Star (melissa) effective immediately, including banning from the use of all UCC services and forums, and a full refund of her membership fees. 3. Vote of no confidence in Felix Von Perger as UCC President, with the requirement that he step down effective immediately if the vote passes. ) [JMA] calls procedural failure for incorrect following of notice for the constitution. Discussion. [MPT] We will vote on the agenda as proposed altogether. [MPT] Calls for a vote whether to adopt the full agenda. Vote fails. [MPT] motions that we first have reports from committee as an agenda item. [MLG] seconds. Motion passes. Committee Reports ================= # President's Report The president likes to make jokes. We have a lot to learn from the situation. # Vice President's Report ## New Room There were emails sent backwards and forwards between Guild and committee. There was a fairly tight timeline from being able to discuss the opportunity publicly until we had to make a decision, and it was concluded that the new room wasn't a good fit for UCC. The main factors there were the reduced space and moving away from Cameron Hall. ## Computer Clubs Collaboration [FVP] and I attended a meeting with reps from PCS, CSSC, CfC and DSC. We haven't agreed to collaborate on any events yet, but have agreed to keep each other up to date on our events, cross-promote them where relevant and try to minimise clashes. ## Tech Talks Are something I want to get running again, and hope to get some good events. The MWA talk last semester by [AJW] was well attended, hopefully we can recreate that level of interest. I've got a few talks already marked down, but don't have firm dates for them yet. We're hoping to begin advertising soon. ## Group Review Thank you to everyone who responded. As this was motioned at a general meeting, I figured I should present the results here. ### Door 18 members - aburgess - alexjthat - arsewisely - cam - donsuth - frekk - jimbo - justwilliambrown - langtonic - mallow - nerfqueen - nick - po0rspirit - random58 - shelrock1 - thunderwielder - tommoa - tpg ### Wheel 23 members - aburgess - alexjthat - andrew - ben - bob - coffee - coxy - davidb - donsuth - dylanh333 - elliotnunn - frekk - frenchie - jimbo - matt - mtearle - nick - nightglyde - oxinabox - susie - tommoa - tpg - trs80 ### Sprocket 7 members - ablerwst - alexjthat - chibi - donsuth - justwilliambrown - mallow - tommoa ### Winadmin 11 members - ablerwst - alexjthat - cam - chibi - donsuth - justwilliambrown - langtonic - mallow - osterguard - shelrock1 - tommoa ## Finances - Cheque: $2,394.24 - Cash Reserve: $3,563.07 - Mastercard: $3.17 - Term Deposits: $56,294.91 - Dispense Liability: $5,174.51 # Secretary Report Have been the secretary since taking on the role in April. These last few months have been a learning experience. # Treasurer's Report Absent # OCM Reports [JGM] [TEC] Nothing to report. -------------- [SBL] motion to adopt the agenda that was sent out with the notice in the first email. [JMA] seconds. Motion is discussed and procedurally fails according to Roberts Rules of Order [BOB] Procedural motion to end the meeting. Motion fails. Items to be discussed on the agenda should follow the UCC constitution. New agenda items cannot be added. [SBL] motions to reconsider the previous vote to adopt the agenda in entirety. [PJA] seconds. Passes. [SBL] motions to adopt the agenda. [TAY] motions to amend the agenda to only contain the first item. Discussion opens. [FVP] procedural motion to end discussion. Passes. Vote on [TAY]'s motion. 28-7-8 Motion passes. [JMA] seconds [SBL]’s motion. Motion passes. 1. Election of an Ordinary Committee Member. Standing nomination from Charles Owens [MLG] nominates [FVP] Declined [LIB] nominates [JMA] Declined [BOB] nominiates AJ Accepted. [ASS] nominated [ALI] Declined [PJA] Peter nominates [JWB] [JWB] declines stating that he'd never be on a committee with [FVP] as the president. [MPT] names [JWB] and issues them a warning. [FVP] nominates [ASS] Declined [FVP] nominates {someone else} Declined [JGM] nominates [GOZ] Declined [FVP] nominates [MVP] Accepted AJ withdraws Nominations close. [MVP] gives speech: - Former committee member of UCC - Despite graduating still hangs around. - Is not available during the week. - Only available on the weekends. - Will try. Questions and answers. [MVP] said some good stuff. Vote takes place: [MVP] wins, [MVP] is the new OCM of UCC [MPT] Procedural motion to end the meeting. Motion passes. Meeting closed 6:41pm.