1 In Files
All I need to do to start the file with the following line:
Org mode
# -*- mode: org; eval: (add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda () (org-html-export-to-html) (start-process "ucc-stuff-rsync" (get-buffer-create "ucc-stuff-rsync") "~/Desktop/UCC Stuff/")) nil t) -*-
To view the ucc-stuff-rsync buffer with colour, execute
2 Client side
First up, let’s get the active directory so we can give rsync an absolute path.
Then we just rsync and run the server side script
Shell Script
rsync -avz --delete <<workdir()>> "ucc:~/public-html/UCC\ Stuff" ssh ucc '~/public-html/UCC\ Stuff/'
3 Server side
Let’s start off by letting me know this script is being run.
3.1 Caching changes
It’s good to save what changes have been made by others. For that we’ll use a patchfile. So we can refer to it later we’ll save the path to a variable.
No we run diff to get the patch between the two folders.
The -r
, u
, and -N
flags produce a recursive, unified diff that takes note of new
Shell Script
diff -ruN \ <<diff-args>> ~/public/Documents/ \ ~/public-html/UCC\ Stuff/Documents/ \ <<diff-output>>
3.1.1 Further arguments
We’ll be filtering only for .org files later, but for now we can exclude a lot
of noise by adding --exclude
Shell Script
--exclude="*~" \ --exclude="*.md" \ --exclude="*.txt" \ --exclude="*.html" \ --exclude="*.pdf" \ --exclude="*.svg" \ --exclude="*.zip*" \ --exclude="*.gz" \ --exclude="*.tar" \
We tell diff not to bother expanding symlinks too.
3.1.2 Output handling
3.1.3 No empty patch
If the patch is empty, just delete it.
3.1.4 Notify about patch status
It’s nice to keep track about how many patches have accumulated.
Shell Script
cd ~/public patchcount=$(ls -l *.diff | wc -l) patchsize=${$(du -ach *.diff | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\s.*$//'):-0} echo "\033[0;34mThere $([[ $pathcount -eq 1 ]] && echo "is" || echo "are") currently \033[1m$patchcount\033[0;34m patch$([[ $pathcount -eq 1 ]] && echo "" || echo "es"), totalling \033[1m${patchsize}B\033[0;0m" ls -gGh *.diff | awk '{gsub("_|\\."," "); print " - \033[0;33m"$8, "\033[1m"$3"B\033[0;0m"}'
3.2 Updating the working dir
To update the working state, we shall use rsync a second time. All the arguments are fairly self explanatory — the goal it to gain an up-to-date copy of the current published state, without any fluff (empty dirs), able to be edited by anyone
Shell Script
rsync -ai --include='*/' \ --include='*.org' \ --exclude='*' \ --prune-empty-dirs \ --chmod='a+rw' \ --group='committee' \ --delete \ ~/public-html/UCC\ Stuff/Documents/ \ ~/public/Documents/
3.3 Protecting sensitive entries
Some folders contain content that may not quite be fit for public consumption (yet). These are marked by a .sensitive file.
We want to (recursively) restrict access to these folders by changing the mode to prevent the other group from accessing them.
This can be performed in a three step process:
- Locate .sensitive files in the source directory
- Verify that folder has been copied over
- Run
chmod -R
on that folder in the destination directory
Shell Script
cd ~/public-html/UCC\ Stuff/Documents/ sensitive_folders=$(find . -type f -name "*.sensitive" | xargs dirname 2>/dev/null) cd ~/public/Documents/ for s_folder in $sensitive_folders; do if [ -e $s_folder ]; then chmod -R o-rwx $s_folder fi done